Here are the food combinations that you should avoid as per Ayurveda

Every food has its taste, energy and effects on the body. When two or more foods having different tastes, energy and post-digestive effects are combined, the agni in a person can become overloaded, resulting in the production of toxins. This can lead to indigestion, fermentation, putrefaction and gas formation and, if prolonged, can lead to toxaemia and disease.

The following food combinations should be avoided as per Ayurveda:

  • Hot food or beverages after having cold drinks or food.

  • Cold milk. 

  • Consuming milk with meat, fish, yoghurt, radish, garlic, green leafy vegetables and salt. 

  • Combining lemons with cucumber, milk, tomato or yoghurt.

  • Consuming honey in equal proportions to butter. 

  • Consuming eggs with cheese, fish, bananas, melons, milk and meat.

  • Consuming tomatoes, potatoes, eggplant with meat, fish, cucumbers or dairy products.

  • Starchy foods should not be combined with fruit, milk and eggs. 

  • Mixing honey with hot beverages such as tea or coffee

  • Mixing beans and cheese 

  • Mixing melons with other Foods 

While eating bad combinations can cause discomfort, it is not usual for them to become too problematic. There are various reasons for this. A strong digestive fire can be the most powerful tool of all to deal with bad food combinations. Different quantities of each food involved in a combination can sometimes help significantly. Spices and herbs added during cooking can help make foods compatible. 

Sometimes the body of a person may become accustomed to a certain food combination through many years of use. Antidotes, like cardamom in coffee, or ghee and black pepper with potatoes, often can help alleviate some of the negative effects. Also, If foods with different and possibly aggravating qualities, such as a mixture of vegetables, are cooked together in the same pot, the foods tend to learn how to get along.

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