Viruddha Ahara can result in various health problems ranging from minor disturbances to death

Viruddha Ahara is a concept in Ayurveda that refers to a particular diet and its combination that negatively affects the body’s metabolism of tissues, hinders the creation of nutrients, and possesses properties that are opposed to nutrients.  

Consumption of incompatible foods can result in various ailments. Incompatible food consumption can lead to conditions ranging from minor disturbances to severe diseases, including genetic disorders and, in extreme cases, death.

In Ayurveda, food is believed to influence both the mind and body. Regular consumption of Viruddha Ahara adversely affects the senses, strength, and vitality, weakening the immune system and increasing vulnerability to infections.

Agni Mandya (low digestive fire) is often the root cause of various ailments. Viruddha Ahara disrupts Agni due to overeating, eating when not hungry, consuming unwholesome or excessively dry/cold foods, and eating contaminated items. Undigested food ferments and becomes toxic, referred to as ama visha in Ayurveda.

For example, eating curd at night is discouraged due to its acidic nature, which can exacerbate Pitta and Kapha doshas, increasing stomach heat. Additionally, combining milk with melons is inadvisable due to their different digestion rates, as stomach acid causes milk to coagulate. Mixing milk with sour fruits should also be avoided.

Sanskar (processing) Viruddha Ahara is where specific cooking techniques or combinations of foods and medications can lead to hazardous effects. An example is repeatedly heated cooking oils (RCO), commonly used for frying, which produce harmful substances like polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. High RCO consumption has been associated with several cancers, including lung, colorectal, breast, and prostate cancers.

Fast food, or junk food, exemplifies Samyoga Viruddha Ahara, characterized by high calories but low essential nutrients, particularly zinc, critical for antioxidant functions. Overeating junk food can cause oxidative damage and inflammation, adversely affecting testicular function.

In recent decades, lifestyle changes have led to varied dietary patterns worldwide, including consuming unpreserved foods that require refrigeration, spoiled items, and inappropriate food combinations like mutton or chicken with dairy. Regular intake of such unsuitable foods can trigger inflammation contributing to Agni Mandya (poor digestive strength) and various metabolic diseases.

Ayurveda also offers methodologies to treat ailments caused by consuming unsuitable foods. One of them is the Vaman Karma (herbal medicine-induced emesis). Vamana is a therapeutic technique in Ayurveda that helps to correct imbalances by promoting Amashaya Shuddhi, which enhances the digestion of medications and food, as most substances reach the Amashaya (the primary site of Kapha). 

Another one is Virechana (purgation). Virechana karma is a Panchakarma therapy involving herbal medication-induced purgation that effectively eliminates excessive and imbalanced Pitta Dosha from the body through the anal canal. It is particularly beneficial for individuals with skin disorders, hyperacidity, food incompatibilities, indigestion, and Pittaja Vyadhi. 

In addition to Virechana, other treatments for diseases caused by Viruddha Ahara include administering antidotes (compounds with opposing properties), implementing preventive measures, and avoiding the regular consumption of incompatible foods.

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