Following the Ayurveda clock helps to ensure a healthy and satisfied life, here is how

Our lives are governed by schedules. These schedules are made according to the different times of the day. Your body, too, keeps a schedule, and it varies with the time of the day. Ayurveda describes these schedules with the Ayurveda clock. This clock reveals which dosha is dominant at any given time of the day, and what best to do at that given time to maintain optimal health and spirit. 

According to the Ayurveda clock, each day and night is divided into three portions dominated by Kapha, Pitta and Vata. The day begins with sunrise, rounded at 6 am. From 6 am to 10 am, Kapha dosha dominates body functions. The qualities of Kapha lead to low digestive power, stagnation, heaviness, and dullness. This is why Ayurveda recommends waking up before sunrise, as any later time would mean you are waking up with the dull heaviness of Kapha weighing on your mind and body. 

From 10 am to 2 pm, the Pitta dosha dominates the body. Pitta’s hot, sharp, and spreading qualities yield high digestive power and a greater sense of capacity to do your work, especially mental work. This is why Ayurveda encourages you to eat your primary meal in the middle of the day when the digestive fire of Pitta dominates. 

From 2 pm to 6 pm, the Vata dosha dominates the body. This is the time when you get light and spacey, your digestive capacity is poor, and you desire movement and creativity. You can have a light snack at this time but avoid heavy meals. This is also the ideal time to take a walk or sit down and meditate. 

After this, the cycle repeats. From 6 pm to 10 pm is the Kapha, at which time it is better to allow your mind and body to relax. Keep your supper light and easy on the stomach. Got to bed by 10 pm, when the Pitta dosha takes over. From 10 pm to 2 am, the Pitta dosha will ensure proper digestion of the food. From 2 am to 6 am, the Vata dosha takes over when you feel light and breezy, and you sleep the best. Wake up just as the Kapha energy begins to take over at 6 am and start the new day. 

The Ayurvedic clock helps you to build a healthy relationship between your internal environment and that of the outside world. Developing and practising a schedule in accordance with the Ayurveda clock will regularize your circadian rhythm and aid in the digestion, absorption, and assimilation of vital nutrients. 

It also enables optimum hormone production and immune function. Your mindset improves as you become more cheerful, confident and disciplined. This ensures you live a long, healthy and satisfied life complete with good experiences and happy memories. 

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