Practising yoga for 40 minutes daily can lower the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 40%, study finds.

Practising yoga for 40 minutes daily can significantly lower the risk of progressing from pre-diabetes to Type 2 diabetes by nearly 40%, a recently published study from five centres in India has concluded. According to S.V. Madhu, the study’s lead author, daily yoga practice is more effective than drugs when it comes to preventing Type 2 diabetes. 

“The effect is more substantial than what has been observed with lifestyle changes or medications alone. We have concluded that yoga’s advantages may stem from its inherent ability to reduce chronic psychological stress and inflammation,” said Dr Madhu.

The research was conducted with nearly 500 participants. The rigorous design of the study, which included a three-year follow-up, brings credibility to the findings.

“The ability of yoga to lower chronic stress and modulate the immune system can help reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, which are factors linked to diabetes risk,” said Dr Madhu. 

The study underscores yoga’s versatility and its potential role in managing diabetes alongside conventional treatments. It reinforces the case for incorporating yoga into daily routines, especially for those at high risk of diabetes. It suggests that yoga could be a key component in a comprehensive approach to diabetes prevention and management.

Along with preventing diabetes, short-term studies have proved that yoga can also help people with diabetes keep their sugar levels in check, says Dr Madhu. An estimated 101 million people are living with diabetes in India, with another 136 million living with pre-diabetes. 

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