Want to engage your hyperactive kid? A few tips

Engaging a child with attention-deficit or hyperactivity disorder is a difficult task of parenting in the middle of coronavirus pandemic as people are confined to four walls, often restricting the little ones from outdoor activities. But then you need to channelize his or her thought process constructively.

Anju Minesh, a Kochi-based Consultant Psychologist, has posted some tips on how to engage kids at home the other day and her Facebook post has since gone viral. Here are a few guidelines:-

Kids in the age-group of two to four years

n  --Make them draw patterns

n  --Ask them to segregate toys and arrange them in different groups

n  --Engage them in peeling leaves of curry leaves or Drumstick leaves

n  --Ask them to tear newspapers into small pieces

Children in the age-group of four to eight years

n  --Request them to peel onions and garlics

n  --Teach them spelling of five new words daily

n  --Assign them the task of identifying certain letters from paragraphs in newspapers

n  --Make them to help you in cutting vegetables

Children in the age-group of eight to 12 years

n  --Make them join you in cooking small dishes

n  --Let them read a news article or a story and summarise the same to you

n  --Seek their help in cutting vegetables and clean fishes

n  --Request them to help you in daily chores like cleaning and washing

n  --Utilise the time to make them brush up multiplication tables and poems they by-hearted earlier

Children above 12 years

n  --Encourage them to take up all works that elders do, with responsibility

n  --Ask them to cook small dishes with the help of you Tube videos.

n  --Entrust them with small tailoring or embroidery works. A lot of apps are available online which can aid them in the tasks

n  --Let them experiment craft works after learning the same from internet

General Instructions

 Parents can utilize this period to identify the particular skill or interest of their dear ones and extend them training or make learning arrangement in the particular field. For eg, they can use online apps to learn musical instruments, drawing lessons or even to enhance their vocabulary. Happy parenting happy quarantining…

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