How Ayurveda helps to boost your immunity

Building immunity is very important for survival in the post-pandemic world. More than vaccines and other medications, it will be the inherent immunity that will ensure good health and productivity in a person in the coming decades. While immunity is inborn, it can be toned and strengthened through various means. Ayurveda is one of the best systems of medicine to do so. 

In Ayurveda, immunity is known as 'vyadhi-kshmatva' or 'self-avoidance of disease'. Ayurveda defines 3 types of immunity - that which we inherit by birth and is genetic, that which develops when an antigen pervades our body, and that which is acquired through a healthy diet, lifestyle, and general well-being.

Factors that influence a person’s immunity include their unique prakruti (natural body constitution), digestive power, balance or equilibrium of the doshas, and the state of mind or mansika doshas. 

To boost immunity, Ayurveda recommends a well-balanced diet, with lunch as the most important meal of the day. Adequate rest with quality sleep and regular yoga practice helps build immunity. Occasional fasting is good for getting rid of toxicants from the body. Maintaining good mental health through efficient stress management is also important.

Here are four simple ways that, when added to your daily routine, will drastically increase your immunity. 

  • Add Ashwagandha to your daily routine for improved vitality and immunity.

  • Drink Tulsi tea daily at night to ward off colds and flu naturally. 

  • Use Giloy juice or powder to purify your blood and enhance immunity.

  • Add turmeric to warm water or milk for a daily immunity boost

  • Start your day with Amla juice or include it in smoothies for maximum benefits.

Ayurveda also acknowledges the impact of seasonal variations on immunity. To maintain robust immunity Ayurveda recommends specific practices during different seasons. During the monsoon season, prioritize your digestion by incorporating warming spices like ginger and black pepper while avoiding heavy, greasy foods.

In the winter season, consuming nourishing soups, stews, and herbal teas, along with maintaining a routine, helps fortify the immune system. In the summer season, consume fresh fruits, stay hydrated, and avoid excessive sun exposure to maintain a balanced immune response.

By boosting the immunity, a person can not only enjoy a more productive life but can also save considerable expenses in the form of treatment against infectious diseases. In the modern world, Ayurveda provides the most wholesome path towards acquiring strong and lasting immunity. Embracing the Ayurvedic way of life is the best way to get oneself mentally and physically fit to face viral infections of the future. 

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