International Yoga Festival at Parmarth Niketan, Rishiksh, from March 8 to 14

The annual International Yoga Festival 2023 (IYF2023), to be attended by Yoga practitioners and enthusiasts from different parts of  the world, would take place at  Parmarth Niketan, Swargashram, at Rishikesh in the north Indian State of Uttarakhand from March 8 to 14. 

Parmarth Niketan Ashram, one of the largest ashrams in Rishikesh, is headed by Swami Chidanand Saraswati.  

According to the organisers of IYF2023, the programme offers an extensive schedule of possibility, starting with Kundalini sadhana at 4 a.m. for the intensely committed and ending at 9:30 pm with traditional cultural song and dance, kirtan and entertainment on the banks of Ganga. 

Participants can customize each day as per their personal needs. A Sacred Sound Stage has also been readied for those who wish to unwind and awaken through the power of sound.

In 2019, the festival drew over 2000 participants from over 80 countries, the organisers say.

Speakers and key resource persons at IYF 2023 are also drawn from different parts of the world. They would include Rev. Michael Beckwith,  Dr. Vandana Shiva, Dr. Tony Nader, Sadhvi Bhagawati Saraswati, 

Sadhvi Abha Saraswati, Gurmukh Kaur Khalsa, Ken Honda, 

Dr. Raghavan Ramankutty, Abuelo Antonio Oxte, Swami Svatmanandaji, Kia Miller, and Tommy Rosen. 

Artists and musicians including Kailash Kher, Sivamani, Runa Rizvi, 

Anandra George, Visvambhar Sheth, Kirtaniyas, Gil Ron Shama,  Sattyananda, Lalita Shivani, Krishnapriya, Nrityavali, Joseph Schmidlin, would perform at the festival.

Participation is by paid registration. 

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