The future of medicine hinges on Ayurveda's ability to tackle heterogeneity in diseases

"There is a prevalence of several diseases and there is a lot of heterogeneity in the diseases which we see in our life," says Madhu Dixit, researcher, while speaking on the sidelines of the WHO Global Summit on Traditional Medicine last Friday. 

The heterogeneous nature of non-communicable diseases is a major stumbling block in modern medicine as the nature and treatment of the disease varies from person to person. 

"We know there is a gap, and we position our trials in a way that we work towards those gaps," says Madhu Dixit, adding, "Traditional medicine systems usually have the most acceptance by the public and are very popular."

Unlike modern medicine, Ayurveda recognizes the different constitutions of each individual and the necessity to make choices that support them. It focuses on balancing the individual's doshas - Vata, Pitta, and Kapha - for overall well-being and harmony. 

"How Ayurveda diagnosis can help us in identifying the heterogenous groups, and propose personalized disease monitoring as well as treatment in these groups, will make a huge difference in the treatment globally," says Madhu Dixit. 

There is also the need to generate enough data on the quality of the products being made available for human consumption as part of the treatment process.

"We need to generate data on the quality and stability of the products which we want to be used for human consumption, and also establish safety. These are the things which we want to do in all the drugs consumed by humankind," says Madhu Dixit. 

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