Nine Gems of Ayurveda for a healthy life: Gem No.8 - Promote your health with rejuvenators

In Ayurveda, rejuvenators or rasayana are herbs or foods that help in obtaining the optimum nourishment for the body tissues. The word ‘Rasayana’ comes from the Sanskrit words rasa, which means essence, and ayana, which means path. Rasayana promotes longevity, slows down the ageing process, promotes proper physical and mental health, sharpens memory, and imparts immunity against diseases.

These health rejuvenators can come in various forms from ingestible food products to massage therapies and lifestyle modifications. Here we will be primarily dealing with ingestible rejuvenators. Many rasayanas can be incorporated into a daily routine like milk, ghee and compound preparations like chyavanaprasha. 

Milk is an important Rasayana food that brings strength and qualities of balanced kapha to the physiology. Ghee is the best cooking oil to use because it grants strength and is beneficial for everyone in proper quantity. Spices like turmeric, ginger, cumin, ajwain and mustard are other major rasayana foods that remove toxins and strengthen the digestive system.

Amla as a Rasayana

Amla is an important Rasayana food in Ayurveda. Amla is rich in both Vitamin C and iron. Vitamin C helps the body absorb iron better by binding to it and forming a special compound. This compound stays soluble even when it moves to the intestine, where the environment is less acidic. This makes it easier for the body to absorb the iron effectively.

Amla can nourish the skin and promote cellular regeneration, which can help delay ageing and improve skin elasticity. It helps relieve eye fatigue, burning, and blurred vision. Regular use may also improve eyesight. Amla can help control blood pressure, reduce inflammation and boost immunity.

Amla can combat free radicals and reduce the appearance of ageing. It can have a positive effect on the liver and on the brain. Amla can also help with gastritis, peptic ulcers, and inflammatory bowel disease. Amla is thus a holistic food that promotes the overall well-being of a person.

Tasty ways to improve iron absorption in your normal diet include amla chutney, amla pickle, amla murabba, and amla candy.

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