BHU’s Ayurveda faculty sends Covid-19 protocol to ICMR

The prestigious Banaras Hindu University (BHU), which was recently granted the status of an Institution of Eminence (IoE) by the Government of India, has prepared an ‘Ayurvedic protocol for the management of Covid-19’ and submitted the same to concerned authorities like the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) for clinical trial approval.

A 16-member committee of the University’s Ayurveda faculty headed by Dean Prof Yamini Bhushan Tripathi, prepared the protocol earlier this month and sent to major academic institutions. It was further revised based on feedbacks.

The protocol has been prepared after classifying the patients or target groups into four categories:-

-- Suspected patients and healthcare workers under Quarantine and home isolation

-- Covid-19 patients (Mild, Severe symptomatic & Co-morbid conditions)

-- Susceptible Subjects (Pregnant, Children, Geriatric)

-- Post treatment persons after cure (Rejuvenation therapy)

The treatment suggestions entail all three procedures- Daivyavipashraya (spiritual healing), Yukti Vipashraya (Ayurvedic medication), Satwavajaya (psychological counseling). Similarly, Ayurvedic medication in all three forms -- liquid, decoction, and shrubs-, and non-pharmacology procedures as described in Ayurveda have also been included.

Suspected persons under quarantine or home isolation may suffer from anxiety and stress. Hence the treatment propounded includes counselling, educating about disease and management, following daily regimen as prescribed by Ayurveda, good sanitary and sleep practices, having a balanced diet that is to be taken at right time, indulging in exercise (as per Sharirabala and season) and practicing Yama, Niyama, Pranayama, Dhyana, with Japa-Mantra chanting (according to one’s own religion and belief). A copy of the protocol was accessed by the Ayurveda Magazine.

It also recommends immunity-boosting through Ayurvedic methods for the first category:-

--Daily intake of Go-dugdha (cow milk), Go-ghrita (cow ghee)

--Intake of medicated drinking water prepared using Yavani, Lavanga, Pippali, and Tulsi.

--Use of single drugs prepared with Guduchi, Haridra, Manjistha, Amalaki, Ashwagandha or herbs that possess Vishagna, Krimighna, Rakshogna and Bhutagna action.

Similarly, the protocol includes treatment suggestions for categories like Asymptomatic Covid-19 positive cases, Covid-19 patients with mild, moderate and those with co-morbidities, pregnant women and children and post treatment restorative healthcare.

The protocol was sent to various authorities like Ayush ministry, National Indian Medicine Commission, and Niti Aayog among others, seeking approval for clinical trial. The observational study will be done only when the clinical trial is approved.


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