KTM trashes reports of tourism ban in Kerala till November

Kerala Travel Mart (KTM) Society has categorically denied reports of tourism activities in the South Indian state being banned till November this year in view of the Covid-19 outbreak.

KTM President Baby Mathew Somatheeram asserted the state government has not issued any such instruction.

“Certain quarters are spreading the false propaganda by misinterpreting the positive suggestion made by State Finance Minister Dr T M Thomas Isaac that efforts to revive tourism in the state should start now itself. In-fact, the finance minister has noted that the experience of foreign tourists, who recovered from Covid-19 by receiving effective treatment and care in Kerala, itself will boost the state’s tourism prospects in the coming days,” he said.

The situation in Kerala is expected to turn normal by the end of second phase of lockdown, May three. The sterling performance of the state in containing Covid-19, thanks to its robust public health system and excellent community health parameters, has attracted global attention.

The state is now making all preparations to receive tourists once the country becomes Covid-19 free. Kerala Tourism is drawing up ambitious plans to attract tourists in a big way, Baby Mathew added.

The society, founded in 2000 with a motive of promoting tourism and related activities in the South Indian state, conducts the biennial KTM -- the country’s largest buyer-seller meet in the tourism segment.

Earlier, certain reports had claimed both Kerala and Goa banned all tourism activities till October- November due to coronavirus pandemic. Goa Tourism had refuted the reports on Tuesday itself.

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