Face Yoga can help you maintain a youthful appearance

While age is just a number, it is important to retain a youthful exuberance as one’s life progresses in terms of years. Just like giving exercise to body muscles, it is important to exercise one’s facial muscles. Face Yoga is one such technique that has been growing in popularity among health-conscious people. 

There are 57 muscles in the face and neck region. Face Yoga involves a series of massages and exercises meant to tone these muscles while granting a youthful glow to the skin. It can also help with controlling your emotions and feelings as doing Face Yoga gives you better control over your expressions.

As the years progresses, the skin and the muscles tend to become loose and flabby. This is the same with one's face as well. Doing Face Yoga helps to lift and firm the muscles under the skin, thus smoothening the lines and wrinkles. Massages help to boost circulation, improve lymphatic drainage, and release tension which helps to prevent sagging and expression lines.

One can do Face Yoga at any place, anywhere, at any time. It does not require much space or apparatus to blow out your cheeks, tap your face with your fingers, or massage your eyebrows. Ideally, Face Yoga is recommended to be carried out 15 minutes a day, four to six times a week. It is helpful for men, women, the young and the old alike. 

While there are many face yoga exercises, the ‘Lion’s Face’ which involves an overall facial stretch with a special focus around the eye area, ‘The Owl’ which involves stretching the skin in the forehead area, and ‘Total Facelift’ that involves working out all the 57 muscles in one’s face and neck region are the most popular ones. 

While scientific validation for the benefits of Face Yoga is yet to arrive, Face Yoga is being endorsed by celebrities like Gwyneth Paltrow, Madonna and Malaika Arora. Much like normal Yoga, Face Yoga too requires dedication and sincerity from part of the person. To achieve lasting benefits one has to make doing Face Yoga a habit and part of their daily routine. 

Managed by ayurvedamagazine.org

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