Ayurveda makes Osteoarthritis treatment safe and effective

Osteoarthritis is a prevalent form of arthritis caused by the degeneration of joint cartilage. It can significantly impact the quality of life of any individual. The disorder most commonly affects joints in hands, knees, hips and spine. Treatment mainly includes pain management through drugs, physical therapy and surgery. 

Recognizing the requirement for safe and effective treatment options, the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), under the Ministry of Ayush, conducted a study to analyze the safety and efficiency of classical Ayurvedic formulations in managing Osteoarthritis.

The Ayurvedic formulations were - Vatari Guggulu, Yogaraj Guggulu, Punarnava Guggulu, Maharasnadi Kwatha, Dashmoola Ghrita, Narayan Taila, Kottamchukkadi Taila, Gandharvahasta Taila, Dhanwantara Taila, and Ksheerbala Taila. 

The safety and efficiency of these formulations were evaluated in patients across different age groups, genders, geographical areas, and body nature. Safety assessments were conducted by analyzing liver function tests and renal function tests before and after the trial period. 

The study involved in-depth observations of various parameters, including blood urea, S. creatinine, S. uric acid, total protein, serum albumin, serum globulin, SGPT, SGOT, and bilirubin levels. The values were compared to the baseline, and it was found that all values remained within normal limits, indicating no adverse effects on liver and kidney functions. No adverse reactions were recorded during the trial period.

These findings present strong evidence that the ten Ayurvedic formulations analyzed in the study are clinically safe for use in patients with Osteoarthritis. The formulations have demonstrated their safety profiles across diverse patient demographics, highlighting their potential as safe treatment options for managing Osteoarthritis.

This study contributes to the growing body of research supporting the use of Ayurvedic formulations in managing Osteoarthritis, offering individuals a safe and natural alternative for improved quality of life.

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