‘Oil pulling’ with coconut oil ensures healthy gums and fresh breath all day long

Brushing your teeth is a necessary step in maintaining oral hygiene. However, that is not the only way to ensure healthy teeth and good breath. The Ayurvedic process of ‘oil pulling’ is just as effective, if not more, in preserving the strength and texture of your teeth and gum, and coconut oil is the most recommended oil for this process.

Traditional Ayurvedic medicine has used coconut oil as an antimicrobial for centuries to promote dental health through oil pulling. It can get rid of harmful bacteria in the mouth that causes tooth decay and bad breath. The process of oil pulling is simple - take 1 teaspoon of coconut oil, swish it around your mouth for 2-3 minutes, and then spit it out and rinse with warm water. 

Coconut oil reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth. It is particularly effective at killing the oral bacteria Streptococcus mutans (S. mutans), which is a leading cause of tooth decay. Coconut oil contains 92% saturated acids, approximately 50% of which is lauric acid, which has proven anti-inflammatory effects and antimicrobial effects.

Furthermore, coconut oil has a high saponification value. Alkalis in the saliva can react with the oil leading to saponification and the formation of a soap-like substance which can reduce the adhesion of plaque, which is the primary cause of gingival inflammation, thus ensuring gem protection. 

Oil pulling every day, especially with coconut oil, will reduce bad breath, prevent the formation of cavities, reduce inflammation by improving gum health and also whiten teeth by removing stains. So, you can confidently go ahead and face the world with a fresh and healthy smile every day with oil pulling. 


But that’s not all, regular oil pulling will bring about overall well-being in a person. According to Ayurveda, oil pulling can be used for the prevention and treatment of more than 30 different diseases, which vary from headaches, migraines, thrombosis, and eczema, to fatal diseases such as diabetes and asthma.

Economically also, oil pulling presents a viable alternative in developing countries and rural communities where access to oral care is minimal, and the use of toothbrushes, toothpaste, and mouthwash is still not accessible. Here, oil pulling can serve as an affordable option and improve oral health outcomes. Other than coconut oil, sesame oil is also recommended for oil pulling.

Managed by ayurvedamagazine.org

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