Indian traditional medicine is set to become a 'global phenomenon'.

The growth of the Ayush sector on the global stage during the past decade has been nothing short of stupendous. Further underlining this remarkable story of persistence and overcoming of odds was the report ‘The Global Wellness Economy: Looking beyond COVID’ by the Global Wellness Institute (GWI), which revealed that the Ayush-based healthcare and wellness economy is estimated to grow to $70 billion by 2025.

The implementation of the new Ayush Visa category is set to further bolster the sector's growth and make Indian traditional medicine a 'global phenomenon', in the words of Ayush minister Sarbananda Sonowal. 

The Global Wellness economy is expected to grow at 9.9% annually at this time. The Ministry of Ayush has been working on many fronts to promote the Ayush system of treatment nationally and globally. 

While Yoga has achieved universal acceptability with the United Nations' declaration of 21st June as the International Day of Yoga, Ayurveda has been recognized as a System of Medicine in 16 countries including Saudi Arabia, UAE, Switzerland, and Serbia. 

The Unani system is recognized in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Pakistan, Bahrain, UAE, and Tanzania. The Siddha system is recognized in Sri Lanka and Malaysia, while the Homoeopathy system has been recognized in Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Oman, UAE, Russia, and Tanzania. 

Additionally the Ayush Ministry and the Ministry of Tourism has signed an MoU aimed at promoting medical value travel in Ayurveda and other traditional systems of medicine. 

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