Eight best summer drinks as per Ayurveda: Drink no.1 - Aam Panna (raw mango drink)

In Ayurveda, summer is known as Grishma Ritu, characterised by intense heat, dryness, and depletion of bodily fluids. The dominant dosha during this season is Pitta, which represents fire and heat. As temperatures rise, Pitta aggravates, leading to dehydration, fatigue, excessive sweating, digestive issues, and skin problems. Additionally, Vata dosha may increase due to dryness in the atmosphere, causing weakness, restlessness, and a lack of energy. To maintain balance, Ayurveda emphasizes hydration with cooling and nourishing drinks that pacify Pitta and prevent the loss of essential fluids. Here we present eight best summer drinks as per Ayurveda. 

Drink No.1: Aam Panna 

Aam Panna, a traditional Indian summer drink made from raw mangoes, is highly valued in Ayurveda for its cooling, hydrating, and digestive benefits. This refreshing beverage is particularly beneficial during Grishma Ritu (summer season) when Pitta dosha is aggravated due to excessive heat, leading to dehydration, fatigue, acidity, and heat-related disorders.

According to Ayurveda, raw mangoes have a sour and astringent taste that pacifies excessive Pitta and prevents heat-related imbalances such as dizziness, nausea, and sunstroke. The cooling nature of Aam Panna helps regulate body temperature and prevents overheating.

Aam Panna contains cumin, black salt, and mint, which stimulate Agni (digestive fire) without aggravating heat. It helps prevent acidity, bloating, and indigestion, common in summer due to Pitta dominance.

Excessive sweating in summer leads to loss of water and electrolytes. Aam Panna replenishes lost minerals like sodium, potassium, and magnesium, preventing dehydration and keeping the body hydrated.

Raw mangoes are a powerhouse of Vitamin C and polyphenols, which strengthen immunity, combat oxidative stress, and prevent summer-related infections. Aam Panna also helps cleanse the liver and purifies the blood, reducing skin rashes, acne, and inflammation, which are aggravated during summer.

For maximum benefits, drink freshly prepared, slightly cool Aam Panna in the morning or afternoon. Avoid consuming it with meals to maintain its digestive benefits. Aam Panna is not just a delicious summer drink—it’s an Ayurvedic elixir that nourishes, cools, and revitalizes the body during the scorching heat.

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