Managing kidney stones through Ayurveda

A kidney stone is a solid mass composed of mineral and salt deposits inside the kidney. Kidney stones obstruct the outflow of toxins, leading to serious complications. Low water intake, sedentary lifestyle, obesity, too much consumption of aerated drinks, alcohol and caffeine, which can cause dehydration, are some of the leading causes of kidney stones. 

In Ayurveda, kidney stones are referred to as 'Ashmari’, where Ashma means stone and Ari means enemy. Kidney stones occur when the kapha composition in the body comes down. So, the first and most direct way to deal with kidney stones is to drink a lot of water. This ensures that your body is hydrated and helps flush out wastes and toxins, which otherwise can accumulate to form kidney stones. 

According to Ayurveda, smaller kidney stones can be eliminated by sticking to a suitable sattvic diet. This includes increased consumption of vegetables and fruits like carrots, potatoes, radishes, bananas, apples and lemons and reduced consumption of maida, oatmeal, kiwi and strawberries. 

To flush out kidney stones, in addition to normal water, consuming adequate qualities of barley water, buttermilk, and coconut water, like juice and pumpkin soup, is recommended. Consuming sugarcane regularly can help get rid of smaller kidney stones. The watermelon fruit, with 92% water and nutrients and antioxidants, can also help in the natural removal of kidney stones if consumed at least once daily.

Another Ayurvedic recommendation is Amla fruit which is high in vitamin C and antioxidant contents. Consuming amla as a fruit or as juice, or adding amla powder to the food can help in the body’s detox process and flush out small kidney stones while helping break larger ones.

Then there are ayurvedic herbs which can help treat and manage kidney stones. Some of them are Shigru, Varuna, Bakul, Kantkari and Pashanabheda. Consult an Ayurvedic practitioner before taking them as only their suitable use can create the right results.

Other than this, maintaining an Ayurvedic way of life is also essential to managing kidney stones. Avoid eating at odd hours. Do not hold urine for long hours. Start your day by drinking two glasses of warm water. Eat more fruits with high water content, and practice Yoga daily. 

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