Amrita Samyogam 2017

Amrita Samyogam 2017, India’s biggest conference on integrative Ayurveda and modern medicine is set to begin at Kochi’s Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences on August 6, 2017. Around 60 experts and 1,000 delegates from around the world will participate in this two-day event. It will be held in collaboration with Amrita University’s School of Ayurveda. The event will be inaugurated by the Union Minister of State for AYUSH, Shripad Yasso Naik.
The conference will discuss strategies for integrating Ayurveda with Allopathy in the management of specific diseases like cancer, diabetes and arthritis.

It will be a confluence of allopathic doctors, Ayurveda practitioners and modern scientists demonstrating how integrative medicine can be made a reality through examples of clinical integration, basic science studies, and application of new technologies.
Said Prof. Shantikumar Nair, Director, Centre for Nanosciences & Molecular Medicine, Amrita University: “Integrating India’s ancient tradition of Ayurveda with evidence-based modern medicine has the potential to revolutionize world healthcare. Integrative medicine is becoming a popular specialty among physicians in Western countries because of the myriad ways in which it can benefit patients. It focuses on healing the person in entirety rather than merely treating the symptoms by investigating the root cause of illness. It is much more patient-centric and can positively impact chronic and lifestyle diseases for which modern medicine has no answer. Western medicine and Indian ancient healing sciences can be a win-win combination to effectively tackle the enormous healthcare challenges facing humanity.”

The conference will trigger major collaborations across the world in the field of integrative medicine, especially academic collaborations and funding opportunities. An International Journal of Integrative Health will be launched at the event and a Society for Integrative Health will be established to promote the development of Integrative Medicine in India.

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