Why we eat with our hands

There is a scientific reason behind the Indian practice of eating with the fingers, and Ayurvedic studies have proven this. Research has revealed that the act of touching food with our fingers triggers a series of physiological responses that enhance digestion even before the sustenance reaches the lips.

Ayurveda, an ancient Indian system of medicine, has long recognized the intricate connection between touch, digestion, and overall well-being. Recent investigations into this phenomenon have shed light on the biological mechanisms underlying this traditional practice, leading to fascinating insights.

When we touch food with our fingers, the nerve endings present in our fingertips sense the temperature and texture of the food. This information is instantly transmitted to the brain, which then initiates a cascade of reactions. These reactions prompt the release of specific digestion-related chemicals and set in motion the necessary movements within the stomach to optimize the digestion process.

The Indian routine of eating with fingers, which has been passed down through generations, aligns perfectly with these scientific revelations. This ancient tradition, deeply rooted in cultural and spiritual beliefs, is now further supported by Ayurvedic research.

While the use of cutlery and utensils has become prevalent in many cultures, experts suggest that revisiting the practice of eating with fingers could be a simple yet effective means to optimize digestion and improve overall well-being. Incorporating this traditional approach may foster a deeper connection between individuals and their food, encouraging mindful eating practices and enhancing the pleasure of dining.

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