Bangladesh represents an untapped market for Kerala's Ayurveda sector

Post-pandemic, Ayurveda is gaining popularity in innumerable countries and is now practiced in over 30 countries.In India, Ayurveda has grown from a $3 billion sector to a $24 billion sector. Now, Ayurvedic medicines are available in easy-to-use capsule form, adding to its growth in popularity. 

Still, a significantly large market offered by Bangladesh appears to have not been tapped adequately. Bangladesh contributes the largest share of India’s health tourism sector – more than 30 percent of the patients and approximately 50 percent of the revenues. According to medical value travel (MVT) operators, well over 5 lakh patients come from Bangladesh to India each year.

Ayurveda is a key component of leisure tourism. It offers holistic, complete solutions with the help of the modern system of medicine, including for aging gracefully. Around 7% of people in Bangladesh take Ayurvedic treatment. Kerala, being one of the prominent players in the Ayurveda segment, has much to gain from this. 

According to A. K. M. Atiqul Haque, Minister (Commercial) of the Bangladesh High Commission, Kerala ought to hold sustained promotion in Bangladesh to attract medical value travelers. Language deficiency is one of the main deficiencies hindering Bangledesh MVTs from coming to Kerala, industry experts say. 

Kerala has a robust infrastructure in the Ayurveda health and wellness sector. Prominent Ayurveda centers in Kerala boast a clientele that includes eminent personalities from all over the world. Popularizing Ayurveda in Bangladesh is sure to bring in further revenue and investments into this booming sector. 

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