Ayurveda music therapy can promote overall vitality and energy flow

Music is an age-old part of Ayurveda. 

Depending on its nature, music could induce or intensify joy or sorrow, anger or peace. This can be used to control doshas like Vata, Pitta, and Kapha effectively. By inducing a specific emotion in the minds of the listeners music can increase our energy levels and even reduce pain levels. 

The promotion of healing with music is called music therapy. Here, music is used to vibrate the cells of the body through which the diseased person’s consciousness can be changed effectively to promote health. These vibrations can stimulate the pituitary gland whose secretion affects the flow of blood and the nervous system.

The correct music can control negative emotions such as anger, worry, and envy, which reduces tension and stress, which in turn balances blood pressure. Different types of music will have different types of benefits for the well-being and health of a person according to the ayurvedic body type based on the dominant dosha. 

Vata dosha types benefit from soft, mellow, and low tones, while for Kapha dosha types, the focus should be on energizing music with a solid bassline. The Pitta dosha types will benefit from soft rhythmic flute or clarinet music. 

Music can be used to increase the blood flow to the brain and control emotions that create positivity and reduce negativity. Specific vibrations can reach the body’s energy centers or chakras to create balance and promote overall vitality and energy flow.

Calming music helps the mind reach a peaceful state, which helps reduce blood pressure, slow the heart rate down, increase blood flow, and decrease stress. It can stimulate the release of endorphins which is the body’s natural chemical to relieve pain.

Thus, when it comes to calming your mind, quietening your thoughts, and achieving relaxation, balance, and increased concentration and focus, ayurveda recommends music therapy as your pathway to reach your goal.

Managed by ayurvedamagazine.org

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