The pulse of the female is felt in the left hand, while that of the male is felt in the right hand; here's why

In Ayurveda, feeling the pulse is a significant step during diagnosis. In traditional Pulse Diagnosis, three fingers (index, middle, and ring fingers) are placed just below the wrist on the radial artery to observe and understand aspects of the pulse.

Accordingly, the health status of a person is determined by feeling the pulse in the left hand among women and in the right hand among men. 

A study by Inderjit Kaur of Pious Ayurvedic Clinic, Chandigarh, published in the International Journal of Modern Pharmaceutical Research, says this has to do with the left and right hemispheres of the brain. 

The study points out that while both masculine and feminine characters are present in every person, it is the left half of the body controlled by the right hemisphere of the brain that possesses the feminine qualities, while the right half controlled by the left hemisphere of the brain possesses the masculine qualities.

That is, the functions of the right brain (feminine) are propagated through the left side of the body, hence the affected bloodstream is felt at the left side radial artery (female). Similarly, the functions of the left brain (masculine) are propagated through the right side of the body, hence the affected bloodstream is felt at the right side radial artery (male). 

It is due to this dominance of feminine and masculine vibrations of the blood flow that the pulse is felt in the left-hand radial artery of a female and the right-hand radial artery of a male.

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