PM Modi invokes ‘fresh food, natural food, balanced food’ mantra to tackle rising obesity

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has invoked the mantra of ‘fresh food, natural food, balanced food’ to tackle the growing instance of obesity among the country’s population. The Prime Minister said this during the inaugural address of the 38th National Games in Dehradun on Tuesday. 

“According to statistics, obesity is spreading very rapidly among the country’s population,” Narendra Modi said, “Every age group in our country and the youth are affected by obesity. And this is a matter of concern as due to obesity the risk of diseases like diabetes and heart diseases are also on the rise. 

Stressing that only a healthy body can ensure a healthy mind and a healthy country, the Prime Minister said that we should follow the path set by our elders to ensure good health and a sound mind. 

“We will have to seek out steps to escape from obesity. Taking small steps can bring big changes to your health. This is what our elders used to do. They used to eat fresh food, natural food and balanced food,” Narendra Modi said.

For this, the Prime Minister urged the people to reduce the amount of unhealthy fat in their daily food and to focus on two things - exercise and diet. 

“If you had been buying two litres of oil for your food every month, reduce it by at least 10%. Cut the amount of oil you use every day by 10%. Make sure to keep some time for exercise every day. From swimming to working out, whatever is possible, make sure to exercise. The second thing is to focus on your diet. Focus on balanced intake and nutritious food,” Narendra Modi said. 

Obesity rates have increased in India over the past decade, largely due to changing lifestyle standards. More than 100 million people in India struggle with obesity. Studies show that 40% of women and 12% of men in India are abdominally obese. Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Punjab and Delhi are the states which have the highest number of obesity cases in the country. 

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