Sukumara Ghritam and Brahmi Churnam can enhance menopausal well-being, CCRAS confirms

The first volume of CCRAS Bulletin issued by the Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic Studies, aimed at spreading information on the latest breakthroughs in Ayurvedic research, acknowledges the efficacy of Ayurvedic herbal products Sukumara Ghritam and Brahmi Churnam in enhancing the quality of life among women going through menopause. 

Menopause in a woman’s life is marked by the cessation of ovarian activity and permanent amenorrhea. It can bring about a range of uncomfortable symptoms including hot flushes, night sweats, mood changes, and more, significantly affecting the quality of life.

A research study conducted at the Dr Achanta Lakshmipati Research Centre for Ayurveda (ALRCA) in Chennai, Tamil Nadu, involving 49 women aged 40 to 55 experiencing specific menopausal symptoms focused on the combination of Sukumara Ghritam and Brahmi Churnam in managing menopausal symptoms safely. 

The participants followed a regimen of Sukumara Ghritam before meals and Brahmi Churnam after meals, twice a day with warm water, for a total of 84 days, and were subsequently observed for an additional 28 days without the treatments. 

Assessments were conducted at the beginning, on the 84th day, and on the 112th day of the study. The results revealed a notable reduction in menopause symptoms along with significant enhancements in menopause-specific quality of life. 

Importantly, liver and kidney function tests remained within normal ranges throughout the study. Also, no adverse drug reactions or events were reported during the treatment period, affirming the clinical safety of Sukumara Ghritam and Brahmi Churnam in managing menopause-associated symptoms.

The results of this study offer promising insights into the potential of Ayurveda as a safe and holistic approach to menopausal care. Further research in this area could provide valuable insights into safe and holistic approaches to menopausal care, the study states. 

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