PM Modi highlights yoga's global growth on the 10th annual International Day of Yoga.

The world observed the 10th annual International Day of Yoga on Friday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi led the Yoga Day celebrations in Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. Addressing the gathering during the programme held indoors due to adverse weather, the Prime Minister highlighted the stupendous growth achieved by Yoga on a global scale in the last 10 years. 

“International Yoga Day has completed a historic journey of 10 years. I proposed International Yoga Day at the United Nations in 2014. This proposal by Bharat was supported by 177 countries, which was a record in itself. Since then, Yoga Day has been setting new records,” Mr Modi said. 

Noting the steady increase in the number of people practising Yoga worldwide, Narendra Modi revealed how he always gets asked about Yoga while meeting global leaders anywhere in the world. 

“People are increasingly convinced of the utility of yoga. Whenever I meet global leaders anywhere in the world, almost everyone talks to me about yoga. Senior leaders from all over the world always discuss yoga with me and ask questions with great curiosity,” Mr Modi said. 

Recalling the opportunity to lead the Yoga Day celebration at the UN Headquarters in the USA last year, where people from more than 130 countries participated, the Prime Minister noted how Yoga was becoming a part of daily life in many countries. 

“Yoga therapy is included in the State Medical University of Turkmenistan. Saudi Arabia has included yoga in its education system. Several yoga schools are being run in Mongolia. About 1.5 crore people in Germany have become yoga practitioners. Major institutions and universities worldwide are researching yoga and publishing papers,” said Mr Modi. 

The 10th International Day of Yoga was observed the world over with Yoga being performed in schools, offices, army stations, and hospitals among other places. The theme this year was “Yoga for Self and Society”, focusing on the message that the welfare of self lies in the welfare of the world around us. 

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