Nine Gems of Ayurveda for a healthy life: Gem no.1 - Pleasant Sleep

Ayurveda recommends many life disciplines and ethics that are to be followed to ensure a healthy and prosperous life. These recommendations have been condensed to nine crucial aspects - the Nine Gems of Ayurveda - whose sufficient application is necessary if a person aspires to spend their years positively productive. 

The first Gem is pleasant sleep.

Sleep is an unavoidable part of daily life. Every person has to sleep for a certain time every day to retain their awareness and sense of perception. However, not everyone is blessed with the joy of experiencing a pleasant sleep. Ayurveda places high importance on pleasant sleep and also gives suggestions on how to induce it into a person’s life. 

Pleasant sleep is a good source of health and pleasure. According to Ayurveda, sleep happens when the mind and body are exhausted, resulting in a loss of coordination between sense organs and objects. To ensure pleasant sleep, Ayurveda recommends a proper time to wake up as well as a proper time to go to bed. 

The ideal time to wake up in the morning is during the Brahma Muhurta, which is 45-90 minutes before sunrise.

The ideal time to go to sleep is 2 hours after dinner. The ideal time for dinner is 8 pm. One should sleep for 6-8 hours a day to ensure proper relaxation and rejuvenation of the body and mind. 

While it is generally considered that a short mid-day nap can boost your energy levels and make a person more efficient, Ayurveda does not share this notion and advises avoiding daytime sleeping completely. 

Pleasant sleep has a vital role in maintaining the overall physical and mental conditioning of a person. Good sleep improves memory, reduces stress, improves strength and boosts the immune system. It also helps in maintaining proper weight and improves creativity. 

To enhance sleep quality, Ayurveda recommends adding milk and ghee to your diet. Other ways are practising meditation, asanas and pranayama. On the more physical side, light abhyanga (message) especially of the foot and the head can help. 

Wish you all a good night’s sleep! 

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