Ayurveda advocates a lark chronotype to treat hormonal and menstrual disorders

There is growing concern about menstrual cycle abnormalities among reproductive-age women in developing countries. The natural sleep-wake cycle, known as the circadian rhythm, plays a crucial role in regulating various bodily functions. Chronotype, the behavioural preference for morning or evening activities, can influence hormone levels.

Research has shown that sleep patterns and dietary habits directly affect the menstrual cycle. In urban areas, especially among adolescents, there is an increasing trend of engaging in activities that disrupt the circadian rhythm, particularly the sleep-wake and eating cycles. Ayurveda advocates a lark chronotype for maintaining health since a night owl chronotype disrupts normal physiological functions. 

A case report published in the Journal of Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (JRAS) details a unique instance of a 22-year-old unmarried woman from Lucknow, who visited the OPD of the Regional Ayurveda Research Institute for Eye Disorders (RARIED), Lucknow, with complaints of scanty menstrual flow and hormonal imbalance.

Despite 6-7 months of medication, there was no improvement. Upon investigation, it was revealed that the patient had adopted a night owl chronotype and had irregular eating habits. The patient was counselled to shift to a lark chronotype, aligning with the Ayurveda Guidelines of Lifestyle (AGOL), without any medication.

The modified lifestyle included advice to remain active till 22.00 hours at night, go to sleep by 22.00 hours and wake up at least by 06.00 hours, not to skip breakfast, eat nutritious breakfast, continue regular exercise daily, control the mind, make it calm and free from thoughts, and practice Yoga and Pranayama.

Remarkable improvements were observed, with menstrual flow normalizing, hormonal profiles balancing, and improvement in anti-mullerian hormone (AMH). This case highlights the potential of chronotype modification as a treatment strategy for hormonal changes and menstrual health improvement, especially in adolescents with menstrual abnormalities.

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