While the allopathic treatment for mastitis would cost a minimum of Rs 6000, Masticure will cost only Rs 200 and bring results in three days.
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According to Ayurveda, there are 5 classic types of Hridroga namely, Vataja, Pittaja, Kaphaja, Sannipataja and Krmija. Typically, Krmija-patient will experience a characteristic pain which
What do we as individuals do about all this? Do we wait for some strain of the dreaded Covid-19 strike us or should we how
Aanjana Kriya (application of collyrium) is one of the Kriyakalpa mentioned in Ayurveda texts for prevention and treatment of various eye diseases. It is a
Regular oil bath pacifies Vata, nourishes the skin and tissues (dhatus), and dissolves toxins (ama). Besides, it leaves you profoundly relaxed, both mentally and physically