Yoga helps in reducing the biological age, stress, and inflammation when paired with a good diet and healthy lifestyle....
The drug has been scientifically developed by embracing the latest guidelines while taking leads from Ayurvedic literature....
About 1500 experts and participants from India, the Middle East, Africa, Europe, Australia, and America are expected to take part…...
Ayurvedic herbs can be beneficial in supporting menstrual health and hormonal balance....
This has to do with the left and right hemispheres of the brain....
This is seen as a significant step in bringing traditional medicine to the mainstream and attaining worldwide acceptance....
By understanding the characteristics of these tastes, we can make conscious food choices that promote harmony within the body and…...
While the allopathic treatment for mastitis would cost a minimum of Rs 6000, Masticure will cost only Rs 200 and…...
The move is expected to streamline the industry. It is imperative to bring standards to safeguard patients' well-being....
Around 40% of pharmaceutical products today have a natural product basis, and landmark drugs are derived from traditional medicines...