Kerala to get 10,000 new yoga clubs this year

Kerala will be getting 10,000 new yoga clubs in 2024. This was announced by state Health Minister Veena George on Friday, on the occasion of the 10th annual International Day of Yoga. Inaugurating the state-level programme in Thiruvananthapuram, the minister said that practising Yoga has brought a healthy change to society. 

Keeping lifestyle diseases at bay was one of the 10 major projects under the Nava Kerala Action Plan. While the state generally has good health indicators, lifestyle diseases are a major cause for concern. The opening of Yoga Clubs is part of the state government's efforts to reduce morbidity in the society, Veena George said. 

Kerala had started 1000 Yoga Clubs and 600 women-exclusive yoga clubs in the previous year. With the opening of 10,000 yoga clubs, it is expected that an additional 2,50,000 people will be able to avail professional yoga training courses. 

The Health Minister noted how yoga is essential for the physical, mental and emotional well-being of individuals. Yoga was best for a healthy body and mind as it can ward off diseases and strengthen the immune system, Veena George said. 

The Health Minister also added that the state government was aiming to teach yoga for free to all sections of society. Prime Minister Narendra Modi in his Yoga Day speech had highlighted how Yoga tourism was growing in select destinations in India, including Kerala. 

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