101 years old and still young! Meet Charlotte Chopin, the real-life Wonder Woman

A lot of people still don't understand how wonderful a gift Yoga truly is to humankind. For them, the India government presents Charlotte Chopin, the 101-year-old yoga instructor from France, who received the prestigious Padma Shri award from President Draupadi Murmu on May 9. Here are a few things about Yoga that one gets to understand from this real-life Wonder Woman. 

Age is no bar for Yoga

Charlotte Chopin started practising Yoga at the age of 50. Not only did Charlotte excel in it, she began teaching others Yoga within a short time. In the past fifty years, Charlotte has had thousands of students. Charlotte still operates a Yoga studio in her hometown of Cher in France. 

Yoga transcends all boundaries

Charlotte Chopin was born in France. She learnt and then taught Yoga in France. The nation of France acknowledged Charlotte's contribution to the welfare of its citizens showcasing her on various media outlets. Charlotte was even invited to showcase her Yoga talents on the popular French TV show 'France Got Incredible Talent’. The story of  Charlotte is proof that Yoga transcends all boundaries. 

Yoga preserves youth and productivity 

Charlotte Chopin is 101 years old and still leads an active life. Charlotte continues to teach and practice Yoga. She travels across France conducting workshops about the benefits of Yoga practice. India Government's recognition was partly for Charlotte ‘defying age-limiting norms'. On her part, Charlotte credits her health and longevity to her yoga practice. 

Charlotte Chopin began teaching Yoga in 1982. She is credited for making Yoga popular in France. Charlotte met Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 14 July 2023 during the latter's visit to France. The Prime Minister appreciated Charlotte's deep faith in yoga and her ground-breaking work in the promotion of Yoga in France.

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