WHO International Standard Terminologies on Ayurveda

The WHO International Standard Terminologies on Ayurveda document offers standardized definitions that can greatly benefit stakeholders in the field of Ayurveda. These definitions support various aspects such as education, practice, regulation, research, drug development, and integration, ultimately contributing to the global advancement of evidence-based and safe Ayurveda.

This comprehensive resource provides standardized definitions for more than 3600 Ayurvedic terms, covering essential concepts and practices within Ayurveda. Its impact extends to Ayurveda stakeholders worldwide.

Key Highlights:

1. Concise definitions for fundamental Ayurvedic concepts are provided.

2. Core treatment modalities, including panchakarma (five cleansing therapies) and rasayana (rejuvenation therapy), are outlined.

3. Major diagnostic frameworks, such as trividha pariksha (three-component examination) and dashavidha pariksha (tenfold examination), are covered.

4. Clinical conditions and disease classification systems are defined based on Ayurvedic principles.

5. Key pharmacognostic concepts and Ayurvedic approaches to drug preparation are elucidated.

6. Fundamental principles of Ayurvedic pathology, such as samprapti (evolution of disease) and rogapariksha (disease assessment), are explained.

7. Ayurvedic anatomical terminology for the entire body and specific structures is standardized.

8. A glossary of Sanskrit words and terms with English definitions is provided.

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